Track & Trace

The new Test, Trace, Protect strategy published on 13 May was implemented across Wales from 1 June.

This strategy set out the next phase of WG approach to tackling coronavirus; testing people with symptoms in the community, tracing those who have come into close contact with people who have tested positive for coronavirus, and protecting family, friends and our community by self-isolating.

Test, Trace, Protect works by:

By reducing transmission in communities, and quickly identifying and isolating those at risk of developing COVID-19 following their close contact with a positive individual (e.g. a known contact or family member) we support the wider opening of schools, colleges and early years’ settings.

Abercarn Primary School strongly reminds all those who show any of the COVID-19 symptoms to self-isolate immediately and book a test. Those living with someone showing symptoms or who has tested positive for COVID-19 should also self-isolate. 

As a school we will keep a record of anyone who comes in to a contact group (e.g. intervention teams).

In the event of a positive test, a contact tracer will contact the person tested to help identify potential contacts. A second contact tracer will then get in touch with those contacts and advise them to self-isolate for 14 days from their last contact with the person who tested positive. These people will only be required to take a test if they develop symptoms. The NHS TTP team will be notified automatically of a positive test result via their system.

People are considered as potential contacts if they were in contact with the person who has tested positive during a period beginning up to two days before symptom onset and ending when the case entered home isolation. This is based on current understanding of the main period of infectivity.

A contact is defined as someone who has had close contact during this period, specifically:

Visitor COVID Screening / Track and Trace Form

Visitor Track and Trace.pdf