Plan 2 - Full Reopening with restrictions - Parents
Last updated: 4:58pm | 26.08.2020
This plan is a full return to school but with routines and procedures in place to keep everyone as safe as possible. I cannot 100% guarantee the safety of everyone as there is risk in everything we do on a daily basis. No one can provide a 100% guarantee! However, we can all follow effective procedures and routines that will reduce the risk to keep everyone as safe as possible. Some things may need to change and adapt as we move forward but I will keep you updated if they do. Schools across Wales will continue to approach opening at full capacity differently as all schools are different. There is no right or wrong – it is individual to each school – all schools want to keep everyone safe!
I have continued to take your views on board, had discussions with Senior Leaders, Staff, Pupils, Governors, Health and Safety Officers, Caerphilly LA and followed Welsh Government and Public Health Wales guidance. It is important to remember that I need parents and children to continue to play a part and remember that:
YES, things may take a little longer,
YES, things maybe slightly more inconvenient,
YES, you may need to wait and queue
BUT it is to keep everyone safe.
We still need to be prepared for anything that may come our way from September onwards. We have 5 different plans and throughout the year may move to work on a different plan in response to any situation that may arise. The five plans are:
Full “normal” working operations at full capacity (Just like before 20th March 2020)
Full capacity with restriction in place (From September 2020)
Reduced capacity – All classes in school but with reduced numbers in class – a blend of in school working and home learning (Just like the Check in, Catch Up and Prepare” sessions)
Partial opening – Some classes in school and some classes working from home with online learning for those working from home.
Closure – all working from home with all classes working online / virtually.
ourselves in. From September, we are working on Plan 2 – Full capacity with restrictions in place.
What’s the plan?
All children will be expected to return to school unless they have a medical/health reason not to. This will include learners who are still shielding, if the advice at the time is that they should attend school.
In line with Welsh Government Guidance we now need to keep classes apart as much as possible during the school day and therefore you will be given drop off and collection time and a drop off and collection point for each child to reduce congestion and “mixing” as much as possible. You must drop off and collect at your allocated time. We must now provide each child with the recommended “weekly hours” of teaching time so I have shortened the gap between drop off and collection times and kept them as close to “normal” times as possible. There is still flexibility within the plan should we need to extend the drop off and collection times. You need to play your part here and be prompt and quick during drop off and collections. You will need to follow the one way system and use the areas to wait if needed etc. If you are late, you will need to wait in the “waiting” area until there is a gap and it is safe to allow your child into the building. If your child is not attending due to illness etc, you must let us know by 8.30am. Do not park on the hill – park in the car park. If using the bridge from Coed Celyn – STAY LEFT. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO BE ON TIME. Please do not allow children to “mix” with other classes if you are waiting – keep your distance.
At the moment, all children will need to bring a packed lunch to school every day. There will be no meals provided at lunch times. Children must bring a full water bottle although please ensure this is clearly labelled. Snacks can also be brought to school for mid-morning although fruit will be provided to all children. No nut based products please. All waste will be brought back home. Those eligible for free school meals will be provided with items so a lunch can be prepared at home and brought into school. There will be no breakfast club at the moment.
Clean uniform must be worn and clean PE kit brought to school on PE Days.
When in school, Children will be with class and adults for the whole day. They will not interact with children from any other class. Children and adults will stay together to work, play, eat snacks and lunch, use the same toilets and sinks etc. Children may see other classes from a distance and can wave / shout etc but there will be no physical contact.
Home learning / blended learning will stop, however, our online platforms such as Seesaw, Google and Abacus etc will continue to be used much more as part of general routines so we are all really familiar with using them.
You will need to follow the one-way system for drop off and collections. You will need to stand 2m apart and follow the floor markings. Be aware of waiting areas. You will need to be on time. If you are late, contact us. You will need to take responsibility to distance yourselves from others. You will need to make an appointment to see any staff member.
In the politest possible way - You will need to be quick. Keep to your time slot. Only enter the site when it is your time. Do not hang around. Don’t gather for a chat outside the gates.
The school bus will be operating from 3rd September 2020. The bus will pick up at normal times in order to drop children off by 9am at school. Children do not need to wear a face mask (although if guidance changes this advice may change too). Children will leave school at 3.30pm. Children aged 11 and under do not need to socially distance and will be separated into their contact groups / family groups where possible although this cannot be fully guaranteed.
Little Stars wraparound will start from Monday 7th September 2020. If children are attending wraparound provision they will move from their class contact group to the wraparound contact group after school. Children will not be separated within the wraparound contact group.
Drop off / Collection Times and Areas
Drop off at 9am at the Nursery Gate. Collect at 11.30am. Please wait on the yard when collecting. Please follow the details on the letter for days your child will attend. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.
Drop off at 9am at the Reception class outside area gate. Collect at 3.15pm from the Reception class outside area gate. You will need to distance yourselves on the yard. If you are early, please wait on the yard in front of the main office until a member of staff calls you to the area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.
Year 1
Drop off at 8.50am at the Year 1 Gate. Collect at 3.05pm from the Year 1 Gate. Please wait on the yard in front of the main office. Distance yourselves on the yard. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.
Year 2
Drop off at 8.50am at the main entrance. Collect at 3.05pm from the main entrance. Please wait on the yard in front of the main office. Distance yourselves on the yard. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.
Year 3
Drop off at 8.50am at the Junior door. Follow the one way system all the way around and drop your child off at the Junior door. Collect at 3.20pm from the Junior door. Wait in the marked waiting area. Distance yourselves in the waiting area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.
Year 4
Drop off at 8.55am at the Junior door. Follow the one way system all the way around and drop your child off at the Junior door. Collect at 3.25pm from the Junior door. Wait in the marked waiting area. Distance yourselves in the waiting area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.
Year 5/6P
Drop off at 8.45am at the classroom door. Follow the one way system all the way around and drop your child off at the door. Collect at 3.15pm from the same door. Wait in the marked waiting area. Distance yourselves in the waiting area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.
Year 5/6T
Drop off at 8.45am at the classroom door. Follow the one way system all the way around and drop your child off at the door. Collect at 3.15pm from the same door. Wait in the marked waiting area. Distance yourselves in the waiting area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.
Year 5/6Y
Drop off at 8.45am at the Junior door. Follow the one way system all the way around and drop your child off at the Junior door. Collect at 3.15pm from the Junior door. Wait in the marked waiting area. Distance yourselves in the waiting area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.
One Way System / Drop off and Collection Areas / Waiting and Holding Areas
One-way system - red arrows
No Traffic from 8.30pm – Bollards will be out on the road. There will be no turning in front of the gates. Staff will support one-way system and at waiting / holding areas in Hi Vis Jackets.
Procedures and Routines in Place
Attendance and Symptoms of COVID-19
Under no circumstances should children or staff attend schools if they:
feel unwell and / or
have any of the four identified COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste or smell) or they have tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 7 days
live in a household with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
Pupil Well Being
The change in School operation will have an impact on learners’ physical, mental and emotional and social well-being. We have been sensitive to this and ensured classrooms remain as much as possible like the classrooms they are used to.
Staff will positively reinforce behaviours around social distancing and hygiene as opposed to stigmatising mistakes. Likewise, our timetable and layout will ensure that there are appropriate opportunities for breaks and time outdoors.
We will be alert to identify and support learners who exhibit signs of distress. All TA’s are Child Mental Health trained and all teachers will provide pastoral care. We have sought information from parents in case bereavement support is required.
Face Masks and PPE
In line with Public Health Wales advice children and staff will not wear face masks. The only time PPE will be worn is if a member of staff is in close contact with a pupil e.g. First Aid, symptomatic child. This will may include a face mask, gloves, apron etc. This is for the protection of both the child and member of staff as they may be in close proximity. PPE may also be worn for intimate care e.g. changing a child or supporting feeding and again this is for the protection of both the child and staff member.
If guidance changes and children / adults wear a mask they must not touch the front of the mask. On entry to school everyone must remove a mask from the side and store in their own bag. If disposing of the mask it is to be placed in the paper towel lidded bin. Hands must be washed and sanitised after use.
Clean uniform must be worn and clean PE/Games Kit to be brought into school on PE/Games days.
Windows will be opened as much as possible to ventilate rooms during the school day.
Lockers and Cloakrooms
Lockers and cloakrooms may be used although will be supervised and there will be no classes in the area at the same time. Lunch boxes will be kept in classrooms. Some classes will keep all belongings in classrooms.
Hand Sanitising and Hand Washing
There will be a hand sanitising station on entry to premises. As you enter the premises you must use the hand sanitising station.
Children and staff will regularly wash their hands. Hands will be washed with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds. Staff will remind children of effective handwashing techniques. Regular handwashing will take place:
on arrival at and when leaving the school.
before and after handling food.
before and after handling objects and equipment that may have been used by others.
where there has been any physical contact.
after blowing their nose, sneezing or coughing.
Sanitising stations are also provided around the school so children can sanitise as often as required but this will not replace washing hands. We have plenty of handwashing and sanitising materials in stock. Soap dispensers will be used in all toilets rather than bars of soap.
Children will sanitise hands before using toilets.
Breakfast Club, Lunch and Snacks
We will be asking for children to be provided with a packed lunch and any snacks / fruit from home. No nut based products. We will not be collecting money and will not provide lunch or a snack in school at the moment (For September). For those in receipt of free school meals, the Local Authority will continue to provide food to your home. You will be expected to prepare a packed lunch for your child. This is a Caerphilly decision.
Please make sure your child has a plastic bottle filled with water, clearly labelled with their name.
If a child forgets his / her lunch arrangements will need to be made to drop off a lunch at school. There will be no facility in school to provide one.
There will be no Breakfast Club but the Local Authority will provide a breakfast cereal bar / fruit for all pupils on site on a daily basis. This is a Caerphilly decision.
Please reinforce with your child not to share their food with any other child.
Social Distancing
Children and adults will be working in their classes. There will be no contact with other classes throughout the day. It will also support track and trace principles.
Within classes children will be encouraged to social distance as much as possible although guidance highlights that a focus on separating groups rather than social distancing is more practical in a primary school. We will be discouraging touching and seating children in Key Stage 2 to face in one direction. In the Foundation Phase we will encourage side to side play and interaction.
All adults will respect social distancing guidelines.
There are social distancing markings visible throughout the school – both inside and out. All adults must follow these markings.
Staggered lunch times and play times will be in operation. This will allow classes to play together in allocated areas safely.
Staggered drop off and collection times to reduce congestion and enable social distancing to be respected.
Allocated toilets (cubicles and sinks) for each class and cleaning after every use. Soap dispensers in every toilet.
One-way systems and stop, check and stand back policy in place for corridors and pathways.
Illness and Symptomatic Children/Adults – Isolation Rooms
DON’T send your child to school if they are unwell. Usually we would encourage children to attend if they are slightly unwell. Until further notice, do not send your child to school if they are unwell in anyway.
If your child becomes unwell during the day, we will contact you in order to collect your child. We will use our Isolation room as an area for him/her to wait until you arrive. Staff will wear PPE to help a child who is symptomatic / unwell.
Catch it, Bin it, Kill it
The ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach continues to be very important
We have enough tissues and bins available in the school to support learners and staff to follow this routine.
As with hand cleaning, children will be supported to get this right, and all children will be encouraged to understand that this is now part of how school operates.
First Aid
All staff are first aid trained. All first aid will be administered by classroom staff – teacher / teaching assistant with appropriate PPE in place e.g. mask and gloves and apron etc.
First Aid and PPE boxes will be in every room and will be restocked daily.
Temperature checks
Current advice is that it is not necessary to temperature screen. Parents should check for the signs of a high temperature. Temperature screening will not identify all cases of COVID-19 and the means of checking temperatures may put children and staff at a greater risk of transmission.
Staff will be vigilant for changes to children’s temperature and non-touch forehead thermometers are in each classroom and can be used to confirm a high temperature or sign of fever. If necessary, we will do this in a friendly and no intrusive manner and make it as fun as possible.
Break Times
Break times are staggered and all groups have been allocated areas to play / have their break.
One-Way System / Waiting Areas
Staff will be visible outside to guide parents and ensure social distancing. Staff will be in Hi Vis Jackets. Listen to staff and ensure you remain 2m away from staff members and other adults / children. They are not being rude with any instructions they provide - they are keeping everyone safe. There are allocated areas around the school. They can be used when collecting your child or if you need to wait for a gap (if you were late). Please do not block one ways systems. Use the waiting areas and stand on the floor marking to ensure you socially distance.
Stop, check, stand back policy inside
Inside the building there will be no passing in corridors. We will operate a “Stop, check and Stand back” if someone is coming policy. This will allow children to easily use toilets if they need to go quickly. This policy will be reinforced by staff and explained to children. We explored operating a one-way system but it was not a practical solution especially for younger children who may need to use toilets etc.
One Adult Only (Drop off and Collection) and Walking to School
There will be a one adult only on the premises rule for drop off and pick-ups. This will speed up the process and reduce congestion. I appreciate some may be dropping off with other children etc – please ensure children stay with you and follow the one way system.
Please walk to school whenever it’s possible to reduce any traffic congestion outside school. I do not have any control regarding outside school but I do suggest that everyone KEEPS LEFT when using the bridge and respects social distancing principles.
Children will sanitise before using the toilet and wash hands after each use. Toilets have been separated with a cubicle and sink allocated to each class.
Cleaning boxes containing a good supply of products will be in all rooms. Staff will be cleaning areas throughout the day especially touch points etc
Enhanced cleaning routines will be in place at the end of every day through CCBC Cleaning.
The school has a well-stocked supply of cleaning materials to ensure the school is clean every day.
We will be able to arrange deep cleans for any areas affected by anyone testing positive for COVD-19.
All doors that can be left open will be pinned open to reduce touch points throughout the school.
Resources / Resource Boxes
Each class will have their own resources (Pens, pencils, colours etc) and games boxes (for outside play etc). Resources will not be shared between classes.
Bags, coats and belongings etc
·Bags, coats and belongings will be kept in cloakrooms where possible. Sandwich boxes will be stored in classrooms. Cloakroom use will be supervised to ensure classes do not mix. Some classes will keep all belongings in classrooms.
Children will be provided with all resources – please do not bring in items.
All your child needs to bring with them is a lunch bag, PE Kit on allocated day and a filled water bottle – no other items
Reading books and resources will be sent home as usual and can be brought back into school when requested by the class teacher.
Snacks, Water and Milk
We will not be selling snacks / fruit. Please ensure children bring in snacks for playtime. We are not selling fruit as this will reduce handling money and reduce the risk of any cross contamination.
Caerphilly Catering will arrange a delivery of Cereal Bars / fruit that can be given to pupils to consume over the morning break. We are not sure whether milk will be provided yet. If it is, it will be delivered to classrooms and children can consume at playtime. There will be no sharing of milk or snacks.
You are encouraged to ensure your child brings in a water bottle for water throughout the day. Please ensure it is clearly labelled – many drinks bottles are the same. Children can top up water bottles throughout the day if needed inside their class.
Please encourage your child not to share any lunch or snack brought into school with anyone else.
Entering the school building
No parent will be allowed into the school building without an appointment.
Any queries or concerns will need to be raised via the school office either by telephoning 01495 244566
Please make an appointment. You can still talk to the office staff on site although it is strictly one person in at a time.
Signage and Markings
There will be clear signs both inside and outside the building. The signs will remind people to keep 2m apart and also remind people to wash hands etc. There will be signs to remind people not to cross in the corridor and where to drop off, collect and wait etc.
Floors will have 2m markings and arrows to show you the direction you need to walk and where you should stand to make sure you are 2m away from others.
Inside the building signs and floor markings have been used to be as child friendly as possible.
Fire and Lockdown Procedure
There will be no change to our fire and lockdown procedures. Children will exit the building in an orderly fashion through their normal exit. Children will line up on the front yard but will line up with more distance between them than normal. There will be no delay with evacuating the building. A fire drill will be undertaken on our return to ensure no issues with new routines.
Similarly, our lockdown procedure will remain unchanged. Children will not gather together but use the classroom area at the time of lockdown. If children need to re-enter school from outside this will be done in an orderly way.
Drop off and Collection Times
Drop off is staggered.
Children cannot come back in If they forget something.
Collecting children needs to be speedy and safe.
No talking with teachers at drop-off / pick up – Seesaw, Email, Telephone is to be used. Drop off and collection needs to be a speedy process. Teachers will respond to emails, phone calls and Seesaw.
Some of our older children may not be collected – let us know now who will be walking home on their own – telephone us on 01495 244566
Bridge and pathways outside school – whilst I cannot manage outside the school I suggest you always STAY LEFT and in single file – e.g. when walking over the bridge STAY LEFT and in single file whatever direction you are walking.
Test, Trace and Protect / Testing / Antibody Testing
We will be following the guidance for the testing of teachers and children from Public Health Wales / Welsh Government. If teachers require a test as they meet the criteria, this will be arranged via CCBC.
We will follow the guidance from Public Health Wales and Welsh Government for when teachers can receive an antibody test.
We will be fully supporting Track and Trace. We will be keeping records of bubble attendance and contacts. If a member of a bubble tests positive for COVID-19, we will be able to track those who have been in contact with the individual easily and then isolate the class and any further contacts in line with guidance.
All visitors will complete a Track and Trace / Screening questionnaire on entry to school.
Staffroom and Staff / Public Toilets
There will be limited use of the staffroom with limited members of staff at any one time - socially distanced. Breaks and lunch break are planned and staggered. Staff will still be able to make refreshments although only 1 staff member at a time in the preparation area. The area must be cleaned thoroughly after every use. Seats will have signs to indicate where staff can sit. Staff will not use this area for longer than 10 minutes.
Strictly one person at a time in the staff toilets. Staff must clean touch points after every use and wash hands thoroughly.
Queuing and Waiting
Be prepared to queue and wait. If it is raining - bring an umbrella etc.
You may need to wait if you are late or if you are early. Please do not enter the premises if you are early – enter at the correct time.
You may need to queue around our one-way system – listen to staff who will direct you.
Know where collection and drop off points are and know where your waiting / holding area is – see the labelled map.
Preparing your child
Social Stories, songs and other resources are available on our school website.
Reinforce good behaviour and social distancing with your child.
Reassure your child that staff will be there to help and support them during the day and also online. There will be lots of exciting and fun activities and they will be able to see friends in their bubble. We will make it a very nice and enjoyable return.
“Little Stars” Wraparound Provision
Please contact Kelly at Little Stars (01495 249092) if you need to register or for further details.
We will need to be in line with Welsh Government and Public Health Wales guidance and so after school provision from 3pm:
Monday 7th September 2020 – after school provision will resume from 3pm.
From Monday 21st September 2020 – Wraparound provision for our Nursery will resume from 11.30am.
Children will move from their contact group in school to an after school / wraparound contact group. They will not be separated into classes but will form a new consistent contact group after school.