Plan 2 - Full Reopening with restrictions - Parents

Last updated: 4:58pm | 26.08.2020 

This plan is a full return to school but with routines and procedures in place to keep everyone as safe as possible. I cannot 100% guarantee the safety of everyone as there is risk in everything we do on a daily basis. No one can provide a 100% guarantee! However, we can all follow effective procedures and routines that will reduce the risk to keep everyone as safe as possible. Some things may need to change and adapt as we move forward but I will keep you updated if they do. Schools across Wales will continue to approach opening at full capacity differently as all schools are different. There is no right or wrong – it is individual to each school – all schools want to keep everyone safe!

I have continued to take your views on board, had discussions with Senior Leaders, Staff, Pupils, Governors, Health and Safety Officers, Caerphilly LA and followed Welsh Government and Public Health Wales guidance. It is important to remember that I need parents and children to continue to play a part and remember that:

BUT it is to keep everyone safe.  

We still need to be prepared for anything that may come our way from September onwards. We have 5 different plans and throughout the year may move to work on a different plan in response to any situation that may arise. The five plans are:

ourselves in. From September, we are working on Plan 2 – Full capacity with restrictions in place.

What’s the plan?

Drop off / Collection Times and Areas


Drop off at 9am at the Nursery Gate. Collect at 11.30am. Please wait on the yard when collecting. Please follow the details on the letter for days your child will attend. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.


Drop off at 9am at the Reception class outside area gate. Collect at 3.15pm from the Reception class outside area gate. You will need to distance yourselves on the yard. If you are early, please wait on the yard in front of the main office until a member of staff calls you to the area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.

Year 1

Drop off at 8.50am at the Year 1 Gate. Collect at 3.05pm from the Year 1 Gate. Please wait on the yard in front of the main office. Distance yourselves on the yard. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.

Year 2

Drop off at 8.50am at the main entrance. Collect at 3.05pm from the main entrance. Please wait on the yard in front of the main office. Distance yourselves on the yard. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.

Year 3

Drop off at 8.50am at the Junior door. Follow the one way system all the way around and drop your child off at the Junior door. Collect at 3.20pm from the Junior door. Wait in the marked waiting area. Distance yourselves in the waiting area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.

Year 4

Drop off at 8.55am at the Junior door. Follow the one way system all the way around and drop your child off at the Junior door. Collect at 3.25pm from the Junior door. Wait in the marked waiting area. Distance yourselves in the waiting area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.

Year 5/6P

Drop off at 8.45am at the classroom door. Follow the one way system all the way around and drop your child off at the door. Collect at 3.15pm from the same door. Wait in the marked waiting area. Distance yourselves in the waiting area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.

Year 5/6T

Drop off at 8.45am at the classroom door. Follow the one way system all the way around and drop your child off at the door. Collect at 3.15pm from the same door. Wait in the marked waiting area. Distance yourselves in the waiting area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.

Year 5/6Y

Drop off at 8.45am at the Junior door. Follow the one way system all the way around and drop your child off at the Junior door. Collect at 3.15pm from the Junior door. Wait in the marked waiting area. Distance yourselves in the waiting area. You will need to follow the one way system in place and remember to sanitise hands as you enter the premises.

One Way System / Drop off and Collection Areas / Waiting and Holding Areas

Procedures and Routines in Place

Attendance and Symptoms of COVID-19

feel unwell and / or

have any of the four identified COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste or smell) or they have tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 7 days

live in a household with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

Pupil Well Being

Face Masks and PPE



Lockers and Cloakrooms

Hand Sanitising and Hand Washing

on arrival at and when leaving the school.

before and after handling food.

before and after handling objects and equipment that may have been used by others.

where there has been any physical contact.

after blowing their nose, sneezing or coughing.

Breakfast Club, Lunch and Snacks

Social Distancing

Illness and Symptomatic Children/Adults – Isolation Rooms

Catch it, Bin it, Kill it

First Aid

Temperature checks

Break Times

One-Way System / Waiting Areas

Stop, check, stand back policy inside

One Adult Only (Drop off and Collection) and Walking to School



Resources / Resource Boxes

Bags, coats and belongings etc

Snacks, Water and Milk 

Entering the school building

Signage and Markings

Fire and Lockdown Procedure

Drop off and Collection Times

Test, Trace and Protect / Testing / Antibody Testing

Staffroom and Staff / Public Toilets

Queuing and Waiting

Preparing your child

“Little Stars” Wraparound Provision

Monday 7th September 2020 – after school provision will resume from 3pm.

From Monday 21st September 2020 – Wraparound provision for our Nursery will resume from 11.30am.

Children will move from their contact group in school to an after school / wraparound contact group. They will not be separated into classes but will form a new consistent contact group after school.