
 If your child has received a positive COVID-19 test result (out of school hours), please send an email with details and a contact number to . This email is only to alert us if your child has a positive test result for COVID-19 – no other reason. It will enable the school to start the Test, Track and Protect process and take action quickly and effectively. Please only use this email out of school hours.

Keep update will the latest COVID-19 School News 

Changes to Self-Isolation and Contact Tracing from September 2021 (Welsh Government)

Wearing of face coverings

In last week’s newsletter, I said that I would be encouraging all parents to wear a face covering on school premises when dropping off and collecting children from next week (when we start the winter plan). However, the Welsh Government has updated its guidance on the use of face coverings in schools today and it now states face coverings / mask must be worn by all adults when on school premises.  

Therefore, please wear face coverings / masks when visiting school, and at drop-off and collection areas from this point onwards.  You will notice staff wearing a face covering and / or visor outside too.

Please maintain clear social distance at the school gates to reduce the transmission risk and set a good example to pupils.

Please follow this updated guidance and wear a mask / face covering on school premises from this point onwards. Help reduce the transmission risk!

The guidance has been made stronger to keep you and your families as safe as possible. The guidance is based on new advice from Welsh Government’s Technical Advisory Group, as we learn more about the way COVID-19 is transmitted.

Thank you for your help in doing all we can to keep ourselves and others safe.

 School Reopening Tour September 2020